Friday, November 5, 2010

Lessons on Light

"Did you ever wonder who you are
do your ever wonder as you stare into the stars
Where you began
And how you got this far
from home?"
"There’s a dream taking wings
There’s a voice that wants to sing
Even in the deepest darkest night
The Torch is raised to the sky
There are hands that hold it high
You were born to keep it burning bright
You were made to fly you were meant to shine
Child of light"

"As the sun gives life and light to the earth, a spiritual light gives nourishment to our spirits."

"To observe the physical properties of light can be exciting, but discovering the properties of spiritual light and truth is even more awe inspiring and essential. We are promised, 'He that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.'"

"Darkness cannot conquer light unless the light is diminished or departs"

"Once when President Brigham Young was asked why we are sometimes left alone and often sad, his response was that man has to learn to 'act as an independent being … to see what he will do … and try his independency—to be righteous in the dark.' That becomes easier to do when we see the 'gospel glow … radiating from … illuminated individuals.'" 

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